Joyful Journal V.16 : Ins and Outs for 2024

Joyful Journal V.16 : Ins and Outs for 2024

Hello friends! Welcome to 2024!

I am jumping on the Ins and Outs train for this month’s Joyful Journal. I love the idea of a no resolution January, but shifting my focus and making swaps (thanks Stephanie @oliveandtate_ for the idea) Coming off of December which is crazy for all, this seems subtle, manageable and something to keep coming back to all year long, as opposed to 1 word, 1 resolution and quitting by the end of January. Which may or may not be how previous years have gone! 

Let’s dive in! My ins & outs have a theme! If you ask me again in March, I may have a different list, but coming off of an insane October - December (personally and professionally) I’m still in burnout recovery mode, so out with the fast and furious, and in with the slow and intentional. My life as a business owner, wife and mother to 3 doesn’t always provide the speed I prefer, but I’m going to try my hardest to build in time and energy for what I feel like I need more of! I’ll do me and you do you! Right!?!

This is a true hodge podge blend of life, work, kids, husband and a lot of them can blend into multiple areas. I’ll go over a few that may be confusing, or to just shed light on why I chose to add them to my list. 

Naps vs. Never Sitting Still

I don’t nap often, I don’t make time for it, although when I can sneak one in, it’s the ULTIMATE LUXURY! I vow to nap more. I’m not sure what that cadence will actually look like, but I see a nap as a mini-reset and I know I could use more of them. The idea of a quick nap before carpool pick up (without forgetting to get the kids 🤪) seems like a dream!

Yoga vs. Dreaming of Doing Yoga

I love yoga! There have been periods in my life where I have have consistency with in-person yoga classes and it's such a gift, mentally & physically. I am hoping to get back to a yoga practice however I can. I love this YouTube Channel for an at home practice!

Focus vs. Scattered

This is the year I learn the art of deep work! This book has gotten me in the right frame of mind, and I've finally learned going 1 million miles an hour and never sitting down will never produce the outcome I want for my work. Up to this point, I've done what I can with the time I have, and it's turned out just fine, but I feel convicted that if I can sit down, slow down and do the work, the outcome will amaze me! 

Surprise & Delight vs. Big, Grand Gestures

This is my speed, so nothing new here, but maybe MORE of the same for 2024! I'm not a flashy, big, grand gestures gal, BUT I love more personal, more thoughtful, less flashy ways to show people around me that I adore them and am grateful for them. A random hand written note, a porch drop off, a just because gift! All small gestures with big impact (in my opinion). I'd like to widen the circle of who receives these in my life. More JOY for 2024! 

I'd love to know what's IN and what's OUT for you this year! There are 360 more days to make these swaps and subtle shifts, and I promise they are guaranteed to make each day just a little bit more JOYFUL!

Cheers and blessings for an amazing 2024 from us to you!  


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